Fund Information
Legal structure: Segregated Portfolio - Open Ended.
Asset class: The Segregated Portfolio will allocate its assets into Quantitative Trading of futures contracts with a maximum tenor of 90 days
Currency: USD
Investment Advisor: ALT Capital Pte Ltd; 75 High Street, Singapore 179435
Subscription: Monthly
Redemption: Monthly with 7 days notice
Minimum Initial Investment (USD): 200,000
Incremental Investment (USD): 100,000
Management Fees: 1.0% per annum
Performance Fees: Subject to the High-water Mark the Investment Advisor, as of the end of each calendar month, will be entitled to receive a Performance Fee equal to 35% of the Net New Appreciation
Hurdle Rate: 8%
Target Return: Target Net return for investors is 50% p.a. over 3-month USD LIBOR
Redemption Terms: Redemption of shares available on the first Business Day of each calendar month (with 7 days notice)
Investment Terms: Monthly Investment available on the first Business day of each month
Fiscal Year: 1st January to December 31st
Custodian: Interactive Brokers LLC; 2 Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich, CT 06830, United States.
Fund Administrator: Apex Fund Services (Dubai) Ltd.; Gate Village, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai.
Fund Manager: Emerging Asset Management Ltd; Vallis Building, 4th Floor, 58 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda
Auditors: Deloitte; One Capital Place, Grand Cayman KY-1109, Cayman Islands
Legal Advisors: Walkers (Dubai) LLP; Level 14, Burj Daman, Dubai International Financial Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Swiss Representative and Paying Agent: REYL & CIE LTD; 62, rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland